Home Automation

With the ability to control home theatre, whole house audio, lighting, HVAC, and security to name a few, VGM provides a simple and unified interface for today's home control demands.

At VGM, we’re a lifestyle technology company, inspired by ideas that promise more comfort, convenience, entertainment, security, safety and just plain fun. Imagine... in one touch, the movie starts, your shades close and the surround sound kicks in at the perfect volume. When the sun goes down, your outside lights turn on and the whole house locks down at 10 pm - automatically.

Here are some features of home automation in a variety of settings:

  • Come home and have your outside lights greet you as you approach
  • From your patio deck, select your iTunes music, satellite stations or CDs you desire, right from your mobile device
  • Go online and view your home from security cameras - lowering your blinds, or changing your irrigation times from your phone or computer from work or while away on holidays
  • Receive alerts on your cell phone when you have an intrusion alert or a leaking water tank at home

Imagine your home configured to your lifestyle, well imagine no longer, because VGM is about to turn your home automation dreams into reality.

Smart Home